How Does a Plan Change Work?

We've broken down what you'll see on your bill when you change your plan.

Upgrading or Downgrading Your Plan

Plan Upgrade: Plan upgrades take effect immediately. On your next bill, you'll see a couple of new charges:

  1. The difference in cost between your old plan and the plan you're upgrading to (named Upgrade Charge).
  2. The new monthly cost for your upgraded plan.

In the example below, a customer upgraded from the Infinite Unlimited plan to the Infinite Access for iPhone plan. (((REMOVE EXAMPLES)))

Plan Downgrade: Plan downgrades will take effect on your next billing cycle. You’ll see two charges reflected on your bill:

  1. The final charge for your old plan.
  2. The charge for the cost of your new plan.

In the example below, a customer downgraded from the Infinite Access for iPhone plan to the Infinite Unlimited plan. (((REMOVE EXAMPLES)))

Upgrade, downgrade, upgrade with devfi