Bring Your Own Phone (BYO)
Bring your favorite phone to Boost Mobile
Can I bring my own phone to Boost Mobile?
Of course! Most popular, unlocked phones can be activated on our network. To check if your device is compatible, click here. If you already know your phone is compatible, you can get started here.
How do I unlock my phone?
Contact the carrier you purchased your phone from to have it unlocked. It might take up to two days, so plan ahead. Once it's unlocked, you're good to go on our network.
How do I finish activating my BYO phone?
First, make sure you are running the latest version of software on your phone.
Need help updating your phone?
- iPhone update instructions
- Android update instructions
If you're activating an Android phone that you didn't purchase from Boost Mobile, you'll need to update your device settings by downloading the Boost Config App. The Boost Config app will run in the background and provision your device to our network. Uninstalling the app after you're activated will not undo your changes.
Pro tip: If your device isn't connecting to the network, try restarting the phone. If you are still having issues, troubleshoot your phone or contact Boost Customer Care.
Updated 7 months ago